Louvre Museum: Located east Canz and cut off Place de la Concorde Ashan Tosalih value of the ticket and 9 euros for adults and the young what hath, and the nearest metro station it is: palais Roya- Museede Louvre
Opera district: the whole area Raaaaah Kaviat, cinemas, where the gallery Lafayette and the nearest metro station for the opera: Opera.
The gallery Lafayette: Mall Raaaaúa which every well-known brands and possible from there or from Canz buy a slice Contact I myself took a slice SFR and pronounce (SF kg) and can buy Bradw slice Lebara to 10 euros and the nearest metro station to the Mall gallery Lafayette is: Chaussee d 'Antin La Fayette
Champs Elysees: Of course, the most well known street in Paris where the shops and cafes worldwide even when some car agencies Ze Toyota and Peugeot has many metro stations, connects you to him, including:
Chams Elysees Clemenceau
, Charles de Gualle Etoile: parallels Canz
, Franklin D Roosevelt
Goerge V: Canz in the text between local Louis Vuitton known cafe Alfokit right-Waleed bin Talal
Plateau Monmart: an elevated area in Paris Cioffi including all Paris, possible Ttalaaaha the cable cars, which is a lift almost or drawer for sports fans (what I would advise never to that tired and Uraki walking eliminate Fblash) convergence there above the painters who Ismuki but their prices Naaaar if Rana at the Eiffel Tower convergence Chinese painters possible Ismuki 20 euros but their drawing Kues and possible Ismuki cartoon funny mesh very professional uniforms who in plateau Monmart but good and the nearest metro station of the plateau: LAmark Caulaincourt on the Leine 12.
Eiffel Tower: the ticket 11 euros for adults and their shift from 9 o'clock the text of the morning to midnight and sweet Being at the Eiffel Tower before sunset hour sit there and I believe Paris over the tower before sunset and beyond, and Iaaaa local sunset from Foouk ŃćććÚĺ is above the tower Cioffi 60 kilometers from Paris even the Arc de Triomphe Liban from above and the nearest metro station: Bir - Hakeim on the Leine 6
On the idea of the Eiffel Tower at night with the light yellow Lenore full tower but each of the first ten Dqaig every hour Lenore tower lights Rowoowoah view Khiaaaaala and Inti p nature needed what you miss
And the Seine River: Adhesive in the Eiffel Tower means for those who're visiting first needed after Trouhy with the second course in trips river in Seine ŃćććÚĺ and romantic: 106: so I Talaatha in the daytime but Amidhoha at night Bradw magnificence day Amisheca where and Paris illuminating lights at night and the nearest metro station to the most beautiful site in the Seine River and close to the Latin Quarter is: Saint Michel: 113:
Village Lafi Village: Before Metro Station Disneyland, a station: Marne - La-Vallee-Chessy on Rear No. 4 all phrase for shops in the form of villas means separate each replace him building a case is small and brands famous international prices cheaper than the rest of the shops because the supply where the oldest of who is in the rest of the shops.: 101:
Disneyland: Shop Shawarma << breezy, of course, is well known amusement park for adults and children candor degrading may like that means no Ttfaji possible in theme parks in Arab countries sweetest But what becomes Trouhy Paris the first time nor Tzroyha haram, ticket 46 euros as I recall, and the tickets Ashan is stop in the front row and the metro at Disney every hour difficulties which moves to Paris means, for example, walking at 5 then 6, then 7 and Keda to 12 o'clock because the metro closes at 1am but do not miss the fireworks at 11, and the metro station to Disney is: the same station Lafi Village Previous.: 101:
Palace of Versailles: Palace ŃććÚĺ: 24: The garden large where lakes and Zruua (meant Transplantation: 109:) Raaaaah untrimmed geometric shapes strange and tidy arrangement sweet Trouhy him Balrir take your ticket Afasst bass Ashan what stop in Sri Toeyeiel 250 SR work shifts from 9 o'clock morning to 6am in the evening.
Alladefnss: (New Paris) area where Raaaúah le dome complex and the Swing and slides (collection Zhliqh): 109: The region very sophisticated means even where buildings who forms a strange and sweet, not Tfoootk never.
Wax Museum: Of course, Melian wax in the form of famous personalities uniforms Heads of State and singers, actors and athletes: 24: The Keda what hath how much was the ticket possible 9 euros but sweet and estimated imagine with each character in the museum and the nearest metro station is: Grands Boulvrds the Leine 8 and 9 .
Bus: Red wraps you the most important landmarks in Paris and stop at each site a little possible Tnzloa and Tlfoa this monuments and are converted and looked on any bus second complements monuments remaining because the bus passes every 10 minutes in the same location and possible Tksmoa places by bus red on two days because the ticket a two-day, Thsloh and when any tourist attraction.
Cinema: in the opera are all cinemas possible 6 cinemas and where in Canz side Pizza Pino and the price of the movie 9 euros and popcorn 4 euros and almost cola 2 euros but be careful because the film sometimes be Mdbalij French and what translator English is a means any cinema Ptdkhalaha Ask them is it English is a or French because he got Via Mold is what I discovered who began the film and I Loya Hlaty holder Bedi popcorn and cola and watched Frenchman: 112:
Arc de Triomphe: At the end of the Champs Elysées ticket price Ashan forward-thinking 4 euros and Cioffi from above the Eiffel Tower: 24: The convergence under the Arc de Triomphe at the tomb of the French soldier.
Place de la Concorde: the Egyptian obelisk and be at the beginning of the Champs Elysees Baeyed from shops: 108: and then say in a game that bungee Conti Thbhe I began there and met her in the morning.
Places I would advise them:
Disneyland Shop: Shop in Disney Canz can buy them tickets to Disneyland Ashan Tnevki of crowds and possible buy gifts for them Aqraepk see Hllowowoh. : 24:
Alfokit cafe: cafe newborn convergence of the names of celebrities who visited him on the tiles at the entrance to the cafe (hot Chocolate and cappuccino what Atfotwa) but its price Aaaala Shui. : 105:
Toyota Agency: Bahanz possible Tketbi anything on the car, even if the existing memories: 109: Ameshoha and every hour and Cioffi sweet and exotic cars.
Restaurant Ajami: grills Hglat costume like that Midhoh many members and some edema.
Pizza pino: in Canz Try the pasta arabita at 18 euros, or problem Chase, Benny Quattro Vaa.: 24:
Restaurant Middle: Elly lap before Pizza pino a restaurant sandwiches.
Diwan Restaurant: where celebrities always: 24:
Deep Chinese Restaurant in front of Pizza pino. And dining the newborn.: 101:
For lovers of Starbucks in one at the Marriott in Canz.
Albastl area: the role of the fashion hall of the Opera Bastl and the Statue of July
Tunnel Diana's death: Alma tunnel at Metro station Alma Marceau.
Restaurant Shawarma Midhoh Members: Maison de gyros and the nearest metro station to him: Cluny-la Sorbonne
Opera district: the whole area Raaaaah Kaviat, cinemas, where the gallery Lafayette and the nearest metro station for the opera: Opera.
The gallery Lafayette: Mall Raaaaúa which every well-known brands and possible from there or from Canz buy a slice Contact I myself took a slice SFR and pronounce (SF kg) and can buy Bradw slice Lebara to 10 euros and the nearest metro station to the Mall gallery Lafayette is: Chaussee d 'Antin La Fayette
Champs Elysees: Of course, the most well known street in Paris where the shops and cafes worldwide even when some car agencies Ze Toyota and Peugeot has many metro stations, connects you to him, including:
Chams Elysees Clemenceau
, Charles de Gualle Etoile: parallels Canz
, Franklin D Roosevelt
Goerge V: Canz in the text between local Louis Vuitton known cafe Alfokit right-Waleed bin Talal
Plateau Monmart: an elevated area in Paris Cioffi including all Paris, possible Ttalaaaha the cable cars, which is a lift almost or drawer for sports fans (what I would advise never to that tired and Uraki walking eliminate Fblash) convergence there above the painters who Ismuki but their prices Naaaar if Rana at the Eiffel Tower convergence Chinese painters possible Ismuki 20 euros but their drawing Kues and possible Ismuki cartoon funny mesh very professional uniforms who in plateau Monmart but good and the nearest metro station of the plateau: LAmark Caulaincourt on the Leine 12.
Eiffel Tower: the ticket 11 euros for adults and their shift from 9 o'clock the text of the morning to midnight and sweet Being at the Eiffel Tower before sunset hour sit there and I believe Paris over the tower before sunset and beyond, and Iaaaa local sunset from Foouk ŃćććÚĺ is above the tower Cioffi 60 kilometers from Paris even the Arc de Triomphe Liban from above and the nearest metro station: Bir - Hakeim on the Leine 6
On the idea of the Eiffel Tower at night with the light yellow Lenore full tower but each of the first ten Dqaig every hour Lenore tower lights Rowoowoah view Khiaaaaala and Inti p nature needed what you miss
And the Seine River: Adhesive in the Eiffel Tower means for those who're visiting first needed after Trouhy with the second course in trips river in Seine ŃćććÚĺ and romantic: 106: so I Talaatha in the daytime but Amidhoha at night Bradw magnificence day Amisheca where and Paris illuminating lights at night and the nearest metro station to the most beautiful site in the Seine River and close to the Latin Quarter is: Saint Michel: 113:
Village Lafi Village: Before Metro Station Disneyland, a station: Marne - La-Vallee-Chessy on Rear No. 4 all phrase for shops in the form of villas means separate each replace him building a case is small and brands famous international prices cheaper than the rest of the shops because the supply where the oldest of who is in the rest of the shops.: 101:
Disneyland: Shop Shawarma << breezy, of course, is well known amusement park for adults and children candor degrading may like that means no Ttfaji possible in theme parks in Arab countries sweetest But what becomes Trouhy Paris the first time nor Tzroyha haram, ticket 46 euros as I recall, and the tickets Ashan is stop in the front row and the metro at Disney every hour difficulties which moves to Paris means, for example, walking at 5 then 6, then 7 and Keda to 12 o'clock because the metro closes at 1am but do not miss the fireworks at 11, and the metro station to Disney is: the same station Lafi Village Previous.: 101:
Palace of Versailles: Palace ŃććÚĺ: 24: The garden large where lakes and Zruua (meant Transplantation: 109:) Raaaaah untrimmed geometric shapes strange and tidy arrangement sweet Trouhy him Balrir take your ticket Afasst bass Ashan what stop in Sri Toeyeiel 250 SR work shifts from 9 o'clock morning to 6am in the evening.
Alladefnss: (New Paris) area where Raaaúah le dome complex and the Swing and slides (collection Zhliqh): 109: The region very sophisticated means even where buildings who forms a strange and sweet, not Tfoootk never.
Wax Museum: Of course, Melian wax in the form of famous personalities uniforms Heads of State and singers, actors and athletes: 24: The Keda what hath how much was the ticket possible 9 euros but sweet and estimated imagine with each character in the museum and the nearest metro station is: Grands Boulvrds the Leine 8 and 9 .
Bus: Red wraps you the most important landmarks in Paris and stop at each site a little possible Tnzloa and Tlfoa this monuments and are converted and looked on any bus second complements monuments remaining because the bus passes every 10 minutes in the same location and possible Tksmoa places by bus red on two days because the ticket a two-day, Thsloh and when any tourist attraction.
Cinema: in the opera are all cinemas possible 6 cinemas and where in Canz side Pizza Pino and the price of the movie 9 euros and popcorn 4 euros and almost cola 2 euros but be careful because the film sometimes be Mdbalij French and what translator English is a means any cinema Ptdkhalaha Ask them is it English is a or French because he got Via Mold is what I discovered who began the film and I Loya Hlaty holder Bedi popcorn and cola and watched Frenchman: 112:
Arc de Triomphe: At the end of the Champs Elysées ticket price Ashan forward-thinking 4 euros and Cioffi from above the Eiffel Tower: 24: The convergence under the Arc de Triomphe at the tomb of the French soldier.
Place de la Concorde: the Egyptian obelisk and be at the beginning of the Champs Elysees Baeyed from shops: 108: and then say in a game that bungee Conti Thbhe I began there and met her in the morning.
Places I would advise them:
Disneyland Shop: Shop in Disney Canz can buy them tickets to Disneyland Ashan Tnevki of crowds and possible buy gifts for them Aqraepk see Hllowowoh. : 24:
Alfokit cafe: cafe newborn convergence of the names of celebrities who visited him on the tiles at the entrance to the cafe (hot Chocolate and cappuccino what Atfotwa) but its price Aaaala Shui. : 105:
Toyota Agency: Bahanz possible Tketbi anything on the car, even if the existing memories: 109: Ameshoha and every hour and Cioffi sweet and exotic cars.
Restaurant Ajami: grills Hglat costume like that Midhoh many members and some edema.
Pizza pino: in Canz Try the pasta arabita at 18 euros, or problem Chase, Benny Quattro Vaa.: 24:
Restaurant Middle: Elly lap before Pizza pino a restaurant sandwiches.
Diwan Restaurant: where celebrities always: 24:
Deep Chinese Restaurant in front of Pizza pino. And dining the newborn.: 101:
For lovers of Starbucks in one at the Marriott in Canz.
Albastl area: the role of the fashion hall of the Opera Bastl and the Statue of July
Tunnel Diana's death: Alma tunnel at Metro station Alma Marceau.
Restaurant Shawarma Midhoh Members: Maison de gyros and the nearest metro station to him: Cluny-la Sorbonne
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